Bookmark Dialog Box

Allows you to insert a bookmark into the current Web page, to provide a target for hyperlink jumps to a specific location within the page.

You can enclose selected text in a bookmark, or insert a bookmark at the current cursor position on the page (when permitted). To use the Bookmark dialog box, open your Web page in Design view and click at the desired location, then select Bookmark from the Insert menu.

Note   In HTML view, use the Document Outline window to select and copy an existing bookmark, and help you navigate to the desired new location on the page. Then paste the copy of the former bookmark into your HTML markup, and change the value of its NAME attribute.


Provides the value for the name attribute of the bookmark. This name appears in hyperlinks targeting this bookmark.

In the HTML markup of your Web page, a bookmark takes the form <a name=[name]>. Bookmarks are not visible when you view a Web page in a browser. Links to a bookmark within the same page take the form <a href="#[name]" target=" self">. Links to bookmarks on other pages take the form <a href="\\server\page.htm#[name]" target=" top">

So, for example, if you create a bookmark named Examples, the markup <A name=Examples></A> is inserted into your page. A link at the top of your page that the user can click to jump down to these bookmarked Examples will take the form <A href="#examples" target=" self">. Links on other pages directly to these bookmarked Examples on the current page will take the form <a href="http://server/pagename.htm#examples" target=" top">.or <a href="file:///\\server\pagename.htm#examples" target=" top">.